Q: How can I order?
A: Simple, please follow these easy steps:
- 1. Choose a category; whether you want your item(s) to be delivered same day or next day, and what type of flowers to order, etc.
- 2. After choosing a category, of course, choose an item to buy. To buy the item, simply click on it.
- 3. On the main item page, there are details like description, price, notes, delivery info, etc. Please take note of the Delivery Date and the Add-ons for your item(s).
- 4. If you already have determined what item would you buy, and specified the details with it, then you are ready to Checkout, click Add To Cart or Buy Now button(s).
- 5. After that, you will be redirected to the Checkout page for your payment.
- 6. If you want to order more than one(1) item, you can repeat the steps 1 to 4, then proceed to step 5.